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Vegetarian cakes - they are delicious too!

through Biogo Biogo 06 Jan 2023 0 commenti
Vegetarische Kuchen - sie sind auch lecker!

According to the European Vegetarian Union, the number of vegans and vegetarians in Europe continues to grow every year. Germany is in first place when it comes to avoiding animal products, but healthy, ecological plant products are also systematically enjoying increasing popularity in Poland. With the growing interest in this type of dishes, the offer of producers is also expanding, who, in order to meet customer expectations, are always offering new meatless delicacies. Today we're taking a look at vegan pies —we're reviewing what they can be made of, what to eat with them, and how to serve them. Before we get to that topic, however, let's look at the effects of not eating or at least reducing the consumption of meat and other animal products on our bodies and the environment.

The effects of a balanced plant-based diet on our health and the environment

The newly developed food pyramid based on the assumption of a reduction in meat consumption as well as the position of the World Health Organization and increasing societal awareness have led to an increasing demand for meat-free products across Europe. Reasons for avoiding or limiting the consumption of animal products include:

  • health reasons,
  • Concern for the future of our planet,
  • and ethical arguments.

Raising animals for meat contributes to the extinction of other wildlife species. Huge areas, which are the natural habitat of many other species of animals, must be artificially fertilized and then transported in order to grow feed for livestock intended for slaughter. Countless resources are consumed throughout this process - water and energy. It takes 50,000 liters of water to produce just one kilogram of beef. This is one of the reasons why meat production has a greater impact on the environment than international transport.

Healthy for us and environmentally friendly plant-based diet

Plant-based nutrition is currently becoming a dominant trend not only in Europe but worldwide. This lifestyle has a positive effect on animal welfare, environmental compatibility and our health. Properly prepared from wholesome and high-quality products, a meat-free diet is a good alternative for people who are struggling with various types of lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or obesity. Although a vegetarian diet, and even more a vegan one, in recent times has involved many sacrifices by abandoning one's favorite dishes and replacing them with tasteless products, today producers have met the most demanding needs of customers and offered foods that offer it not only healthy and ecological and in accordance with the principles of fair trade, but also, which is very important, delicious.

When giving up meat, however, we must remember to replace it with valuable products rich in easily digestible protein and iron. We find them in whole grains, eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds and seeds. Your good source is therefore vegetarian pies , in which all these ingredients are hidden.

Vegetarian pies - what is that?

Although we don't initially associate the name pie with a meatless product, various types of plant-based spreads are referred to as "vegetarian pies " or "vegan pies " Vegetarian and vegan pies can be prepared on the basis of any vegetable - this can be tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, broccoli, but also root crops, nuts and seeds - such as sunflowers, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, cashew nuts, legumes - being. such as chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas, as well as groats - for example millet, buckwheat, corn and pearl barley. Vegetable pies are healthy, filling, and most importantly, delicious. They work well as an addition to traditional sandwiches, as a take-out dish, as a dip for sliced ​​veggies during a party, or as an independent snack, and are served hot with potatoes, rice, or grits - we can treat it like a dinner.

Many people may associate vegan pie with the boring, colorless taste of cooked vegetables, but nothing could be further from the truth. It doesn't have to be bland at all and gains in aroma and additional, expressive taste through various additives and spices such as:

  • Forest or cultivated mushrooms,
  • dried tomatoes,
  • Onion and Garlic,
  • Spices: Chili, smoked paprika lovage, pepper, coriander, turmeric, cumin, basil, thyme, marjoram, parsley.

The addition of herbs and spices supports the digestion process and can also have a slightly warming effect.

One of the healthier, gluten-free and tasty products that provide the body with many valuable nutrients, for example, are vegan pies made from seeds and seeds:

  • vegan cashew nut pie - with millet and raisins,
  • vegan pie with sunflower seeds - with millet,
  • vegan pumpkin seed pie - with grits

Advantages of reducing meat consumption and replacing it with plant-based products

Because processed meat, i.e. all kinds of cold cuts, wieners and sausages, as well as red meat - pork and beef contain many saturated fats that are unfavorable for our health, the regular consumption of which can contribute to the development of chronic inflammation and the development of diseases such as:

  • Type II diabetes,
  • obesity,
  • Heart disease, including myocardial infarction,
  • elevated cholesterol.

A diet based on plant products promotes the development of a good bacterial flora in the intestine. Food of plant origin, rich in fiber, stimulates the growth of good bacteria, which significantly reduces the risk of contracting many diseases, while increasing the body's resistance to, for example, viral infections.

Reducing meat consumption on a daily basis and replacing at least one meat dish with a vegetarian product can significantly improve our health and well-being and help improve the fate of livestock.

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