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Upozorňujeme tiež, že náklady na dopravu mnohých položiek, ktoré predávame, sú založené na hmotnosti. Hmotnosť takejto položky nájdete na stránke s podrobnosťami. Všetky hmotnosti sú zaokrúhlené nahor na najbližšiu celú libru, aby odrážali pravidlá prepravných spoločností, ktoré používame.
Väčšinu nových, neotvorených položiek môžete vrátiť do 30 dní od doručenia, aby vám bola vrátená plná suma. Uhradíme aj náklady na spätnú dopravu, ak je vrátenie výsledkom našej chyby (dostali ste nesprávnu alebo chybnú položku atď.).
Vrátenie peňazí by ste mali očakávať do štyroch týždňov od odovzdania balíka spiatočnému odosielateľovi, avšak v mnohých prípadoch dostanete vrátenie peňazí rýchlejšie. Toto časové obdobie zahŕňa čas prepravy, počas ktorého dostaneme váš návrat od odosielateľa (5 až 10 pracovných dní), čas potrebný na spracovanie vášho vrátenia po prijatí (3 až 5 pracovných dní) a čas potrebný na vašej banke na spracovanie našej žiadosti o vrátenie prostriedkov (5 až 10 pracovných dní).
Ak potrebujete vrátiť položku, jednoducho sa prihláste do svojho účtu, zobrazte objednávku pomocou odkazu "Dokončiť objednávky" v ponuke Môj účet a kliknite na tlačidlo Vrátiť položku(y). Po prijatí a spracovaní vrátenej položky vás budeme informovať e-mailom o vrátení peňazí.
Pharmaceutical Grade Magnesium Chloride 100%
Chemical formula: MgCl2 x 6H2O
Magnesium is involved in about 300 processes that take place in the human body. It supports body work and stress resistance, supports memory, concentration, helps to fall asleep and improves sleep quality. It is an ion involved in the conversion of nutrients and their transport. In combination with calcium and vitamin D, it is responsible for building and maintaining bones and teeth. Responsible for the activation of vitamins and supports the functioning of the immune system. Magnesium chloride is a very well absorbable product. This is due to the large area of skin through which magnesium is absorbed.
Chlorine is an anion that is one of the basic macronutrients found in fluids in the human body and the hydrochloric acid it contains is essential to the digestive process.
In the human body, which weighs about 70 kg, there is up to 95 g of chlorine.
Magnesium oil, although it contains no oil, leaves a greasy film on the skin. It is worth using it where muscle cramps from magnesium deficiency are most common.
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate.
magnesium bath
For hot tubs Add 1 to 2 glasses of magnesium chloride with water, dissolve and soak the body for about 30 minutes. Do not use soap, gels, shampoos and other cosmetics while bathing.
Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, you may experience a slight burning sensation (stinging) during or after the treatment. This is a completely natural effect and will pass quickly. After the magnesium chloride treatment, you can rinse off with clear water.
How do you use the Magnesium Olive?
A few sprays under the armpits are enough. The effective antibacterial action of magnesium stops the growth of microorganisms responsible for the unpleasant smell of sweat and keeps these areas fresh throughout the day. Magnesium olive oil does not clog the sweat glands, which allows the body to cleanse itself of toxins. It must not be used on freshly shaved armpits.
Magnesium olive in a 1:1 ratio is obviously a more effective deodorant than a 1:2 ratio. Much depends on the sensitivity of the skin, the tendency to sweat and the intensity of the smell of sweat.
Magnesium olive can be used as a deodorant for feet and shoes. This prevents the growth of odor-causing bacteria.
Magnesium Olive Deodorant leaves no residue on clothes and is odorless. Before each use, shake the contents of the container.
In a dry, dark and cool place. use as intended. Keep out of reach of children.
Benutze das Mittel schon lange gegen Krämfe in den Beinen.
Magnesiumchlorid Hexahydrat 1000g BIOMUS
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