
Zinc is a chemical element known to mankind for thousands of years. It is found in the earth's crust, in many foods and is also a component of the human body. Due to the ability to alloy it with other metals, it was used to make brass and coins. Long...

Zinc is a chemical element known to mankind for thousands of years. It is found in the earth's crust, in many foods and is also a component of the human body. Due to the ability to alloy it with other metals, it was used to make brass and coins. Long ago, in ancient times, zinc's health-promoting properties began to be recognized. For example, the Egyptians used ointments based on it, believing that it accelerated the healing of wounds. However, this was only relatively recently, because in 1957 it was confirmed that this ingredient is involved in many life processes and is necessary for proper functioning.

The influence of zinc on the human body

Many dietary supplements contain zinc. Because it is one of the most important micronutrients in the human body. Participating in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, it supports the work of the immune system and stimulates it to fight microorganisms. In addition, it also affects hair, skin and nails, improving their condition. Since zinc acts as an activator of many enzymes, it is responsible for the metabolic process or the cell cycle. By supporting the functioning of the circulatory system, it has a beneficial effect on the heart.

The minimum intake of zinc is 5 mg per day, while it is indicated to provide it from 15 to 20 mg per day. Both too little and too much of this element in the body can have unpleasant and often stressful consequences. Deficiency leads to a slower growth rate in children, causes changes in the skin, and increases nail brittleness. In addition, there can also be disturbances in taste perception and odor problems. The excess of the element that accumulates in the kidneys and liver can contribute to anemia. It is worth noting that excessive consumption of zinc reduces the absorption of iron, phosphorus, copper and calcium.

Natural occurrence of zinc

Vitamins and minerals from natural sources, i.e. food, are absorbed much better than their artificially obtained counterparts. Zinc is found in many of the foods you eat every day. It is found in both animal and plant foods. However, it is the meat contained in meat that is better absorbed by the body. The real wealth of zinc is in the liver, especially veal, as well as other offal, fish and oysters.

Vegetables are also rich in this nutrient. Oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms have it all, 50 grams of them provide almost 5% of the daily requirement for the element. Zinc is also found in parsley, tomatoes, legumes, cabbage and onions. It is also provided by grain products, dark chocolate and cocoa. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, wheat bran or almonds not only enrich the taste of the salad or increase the nutritional value of the porridge, but also supplement zinc deficiency in the diet. Fruits, in turn, contain a small amount of zinc, and those in which it can be found are bananas, oranges, and apples.

zinc intake

Zinc is primarily absorbed in the small intestine. The level of its absorption by the body is determined at the level of 10-40%. Contained in meat products, it is much more digestible than that contained in vegetables. This is due to the presence of phytic acid in vegetables. This compound is not digested, so does not provide the body with nutrients and also limits the absorption of many minerals. So, although nuts, seeds, and pods are high in zinc, they can contain large amounts of phytic acid, clearly indicating their poor digestibility.

Zinc in tablets

An insufficient amount of zinc in the diet can be recognized by the deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails or a decrease in immunity. One way to replenish its amount in the body is to use zinc tablets. It is especially recommended for people who need to exclude zinc-containing products from their diet and for vegans. If you suspect a zinc deficiency, it is worth checking its concentration in the body. However, the pills are not a substitute for a varied diet, which is the basis of staying healthy.

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