Yerba Maté čaj 100g PRIMA - ČAJ

Predajca: PRIMA-TEA
Dostupnosť: 40 Na sklade
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Medzisúčet: €3,97
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Yerba Mate Tee 100g PRIMA - TEE

Saleswoman: PRIMA-TEA

Yerba Maté čaj 100g PRIMA - ČAJ


Saleswoman: PRIMA-TEA

Yerba Maté čaj 100g PRIMA - ČAJ


Yerba Mate BRAZIL
Yerba Mate is mainly eaten in South America. According to scientific research, yerba infusion helps with metabolic problems, cleanses the body of toxins, nourishes, regenerates and calms while gently stimulating the nervous system.

It is recognized as an antidepressant and anti-fatigue drink, as well as an anti-rheumatic drug.

Yerba mate is rich in vitamins and minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
The infusion also contains caffeine.
PREPARATION of yerba in the traditional way:

1. Pour yerba mate into about 1/2 - 3/4 of the jar volume (if desired).
2. Cover the lid of the jar with your hand, turn it "upside down" and shake it up and down several times.
3.Then rotate the jar 45° so the dry end is on one side of the jar.
4. Pour 70-80℃ hot water into the free space between the drought and the wall of the jar.
5. Close the bombilla's mouthpiece with your thumb and insert the tube in the same place where the water was poured earlier.
6.Remove the prepared mat and wait about 2 -3 minutes. Add a little more water and... done!

The mate prepared in this way can be infused several times until the aroma has been completely washed out.

Yerba mate 100%

Quantity : 100g

Manufacturer: Biotern

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