Gluten free products

According to the findings of the FAO / WHO, the gluten content in products recognized as gluten-free must not exceed 20 ppm (20 mg per kg). However, manufacturers often do not attach importance to strict compliance with standards. Even foods made from naturally gluten-free foods — like corn, rice, potatoes,...
According to the findings of the FAO / WHO, the gluten content in products recognized as gluten-free must not exceed 20 ppm (20 mg per kg). However, manufacturers often do not attach importance to strict compliance with standards. Even foods made from naturally gluten-free foods — like corn, rice, potatoes, soybeans, and buckwheat — contain trace amounts of gluten. This is because most processing plants use the same production lines and some semi-finished products may mix with each other. Gluten-free products are certified after the manufacturer has received a license to use a special symbol. Such products are often slightly more expensive due to the increase in the cost of storing and processing each ingredient separately, but their quality is also confirmed. Certified gluten-free products are therefore mainly aimed at gluten-sensitive people who are looking for healthy and safe food.

Who decides which gluten-free product is certified?

In recent years, awareness of the role and reduction of gluten has grown significantly. AOECS has existed since 1988 and has worked for many years to create the European Licensing System (ESL). The main purpose of the certificate is the introduction of a uniform labeling system for gluten-free foods and the control of the various production stages. The green crossed ear symbol means that the product is completely safe for people with a severe gluten intolerance. Labeled products are regularly checked for gluten content, so they remain a safe and reliable option for people on diverse diets. Our offer includes many products that represent a healthy alternative to conventional foods.

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