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Artemisia Palina 50g VITAJTE PRÍRODUNo reviewsINGREDIENTS Artemisia Wormwood 100% PREPARATION STRONG > 1 teaspoon of herbs, a glass pour boiling water, leave to stand for 5-10 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion once Every day STORAGE Store at room temperature , out of the reach of small children. From light...
- Normálna cena
- €3,85
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,85
- jednotková cena
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Modrý čaj - Ternate Clitoria 30g PROHERBIS2 reviewsINGREDIENTS 100% tripartite clitoral flower Contains no artificial additives or coloring. APPLICATION 5-6 flowers on a glass of boiling water (250 ml) and leave covered for about 10-15 minutes. Drink like tea. STORAGE In a dry and cool place Keep out of reach of...
- Normálna cena
- €11,45
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €11,45
- jednotková cena
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Palina BIO 50 g - DARY PRÍRODYNo reviewsArtemisia wormwood, commonly known as wormwood, sometimes also dog rue, wormwood or absinthe, is a highly aromatic perennial known in ancient times. In many countries it is used as an effective repellent against insects and mice
- Normálna cena
- €3,30
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,30
- jednotková cena
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BIO dubová kôra 100g DARY PRÍRODY1 reviewDESCRIPTION The oldest use of oak bark is as a bath and cosmetics. It comes in the form of baths or poultices for burns, frostbite, dermatitis and as an astringent and remedy used. Washing your head with an infusion of oak bark will strengthen...
- Normálna cena
- €4,32
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €4,32
- jednotková cena
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Čaj z opuncie BIO 25 g - DARY PRÍRODY2 reviewsZUTATEN Kaktusfeigenblüte * 100 % * Produkt aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau DESCRIPTION Von den Azteken als heilige Pflanze angesehen, ist der Kaktusfeigenkaktus auch eine geschätzte Pflanzenart, die heute in der Phytotherapie verwendet wird. Die Pflanze stammt aus Mexiko und wird mittlerweile in vielen Ländern...
- Normálna cena
- €5,40
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €5,40
- jednotková cena
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Mulleinový kvet 50g HERBAPOL1 reviewDESCRIPTION Mullein has a calming effect on the airways. Makes breathing easier. Supports the body's natural defences. soothes the mouth, throat and vocal cords. It supports and calms with a sore throat INGREDIENTS flower Mullein - 100% Level of mullein flowers as recommended for...
- Normálna cena
- €8,77
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €8,77
- jednotková cena
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Čaj Ning - Hong 90g MERIDIAN1 reviewDESCRIPTION VERZEHREMPFEHLUNG: 1 Beutel mit 250 ml kochendem Wasser übergießen und 5 Minuten ziehen lassen. Derselbe Beutel kann wiederholt aufgebrüht werden. Denken Sie daran, dass der zweite Sud als der wertvollste angesehen wird. Deshalb den Beutel nicht gleich wegwerfen und wieder mit kochendem Wasser...
- Normálna cena
- €10,55
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €10,55
- jednotková cena
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Arónia plod 50g KÁVANo reviewsDried chokeberry fruits known as the "fruit of life". Doused with boiling water, they make a tasty infusion with a beautiful ruby red color and a slightly sour taste. They are an excellent taste and aromatic complement when brewing black or green tea and...
- Normálna cena
- €3,58
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,58
- jednotková cena
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BIO škoricový bylinkový čaj 50 g - DARY NATURY1 reviewZUTATEN Gänse-Fingerkraut * 100 % (* aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau) BESCHREIBUNG Bio Gänse-Fingerkraut-Tee. Es kann andere Alltagsgetränke ersetzen. VORBEREITUNG 1 Teelöffel mit einem Glas kochendem Wasser aufgießen und stehen lassen etwa 10-15 Minuten ziehen lassen. 1-2 mal täglich trinken. EMPFOHLENE LAGERUNGSBEDINGUNGEN Trocken lagern.
- Normálna cena
- €4,32
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €4,32
- jednotková cena
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Listy podbeľu 50g HERBAPOLNo reviewsDESCRIPTION A bath with the addition of a leaf infusion Coltsfoot relieves skin irritation and bruises, relaxes and has a positive effect on the elasticity of the skin. INGREDIENTS Tussilago farfara. APPLICATION 3 tablespoons of coltsfoot leaves with 1 liter of boiling Pour in...
- Normálna cena
- €3,85
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,85
- jednotková cena
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Dule ovocie 100g VITAJTE V PRÍRODE1 reviewINGREDIENTS quince fruit 100 %
- Normálna cena
- €5,69
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €5,69
- jednotková cena
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Gojnik 20g - Horský čaj (šalvia libanonská) - BAKRANo reviewsGojnik or Lebanese sage, also known as mountain tea, is a plant native to the Balkans and the Mediterranean. Calico Infusion is rich in minerals, antioxidants, iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helpful for liver, stomach and kidney problems....
- Normálna cena
- €6,40
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €6,40
- jednotková cena
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Čaj z ibišteka sušený ibištek 250g TARGROCHNo reviewsBESCHREIBUNG - hat antibakterielle und entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften - regt den Stoffwechsel an - hilft, den richtigen Cholesterinspiegel aufrechtzuerhalten p> Hibiskus oder Sudan-Malve ist eine Pflanze mit charakteristischen rot-violetten Blüten. Es ist bekannt für seine dekorativen und heilenden Eigenschaften. Hibiscus Infusion regt den Stoffwechsel an,...
- Normálna cena
- €4,40
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €4,40
- jednotková cena
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Koreň sladkého drievka 50g FLOSNo reviewsINGREDIENTS dried, crushed licorice root (Glycyrrhizae radix) - 100% INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Consume as a broth: half a tablespoon Pour licorice root (approx. 2 g) with 1 glass of water (250 ml), cook CAUTION under the lid for 5-7 minutes. Then the decoction should...
- Normálna cena
- €3,67
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,67
- jednotková cena
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Opc - mleté hroznové semená 100g PROHERBISNo reviewsINGREDIENTS Grape Seed Powder (Vitis Vinifera) - 100% APPLICATION Dissolve 1 tablespoon of the product, ie 6-8 g, in a glass of water or juice. Drink it once a day. DANGER Do not exceed the recommended daily dose of the product Dietary supplements cannot...
- Normálna cena
- €8,59
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €8,59
- jednotková cena
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Pau darco - la pacho 100g ASTRONNo reviewsINGREDIENTS 100% Pau Darco bark - la pacho APPLICATION A heaping teaspoon of bark with 1/2 Pour a liter of water over it and let it boil for 5 minutes. We drink after cooling down. After 3 weeks you should take a week off....
- Normálna cena
- €3,94
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,94
- jednotková cena
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Horský čaj Gojnik sušený 100g TARGROCH1 reviewDer Enzian wächst natürlich auf dem Balkan, in der Türkei, im Mittelmeerraum und auf der Iberischen Halbinsel. Bereits in der Antike wurde dieser Aufguss Soldaten zur Regeneration verabreicht. Es enthält Tannine, ätherische Öle und ist ein natürliches Antioxidans. ZUTATEN Sideritis scardica Bergtee. Verwendung: Geben...
- Normálna cena
- €5,22
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €5,22
- jednotková cena
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Brahmi - Bacopa Monnieri - rezaná bylina 100g PROHERBISNo reviewsINGREDIENTS Bacopa monnieri (small-leaved bacon) - herb 100% cut APPLICATION 1 teaspoon of the product (about 1.5 g) in a glass pour boiling water (250 ml) and leave covered for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink 2 times a day with meals. A NOTICE...
- Normálna cena
- €10,24
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €10,24
- jednotková cena
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Organic Catnip Herbs 25g DARY PRÍRODYNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Catnip is a plant that has been known for a long time. Catnip Herbal Tea has a relaxing and relaxing effect. Besides, it wears contributes to physical and mental well-being and supports the body in stressful situations. INGREDIENTS catnip * 100% (* product...
- Normálna cena
- €3,84
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,84
- jednotková cena
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Bylina fialová trojfarebná 100g VITAJTE PRÍRODUNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Violet tricolor 100% herb PREPARATION STRONG > Pour 1 tablespoon of herb into a lukewarm glass Water. Bring to a boil and cover 5 cook for minutes.
- Normálna cena
- €4,06
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €4,06
- jednotková cena
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