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Chelát železa plus 30 tabliet. SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION It is a set of perfectly digestible iron with vitamins C, B6, folic acid, parsley and spinach The digestibility of chelated iron is many times higher, regardless of the meal higher than that of organic and inorganic forms such as fumarates, sulfates Etc...
- Normálna cena
- €8,55
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €8,55
- jednotková cena
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Tekuté mydlo so striebrom 300ml SANBIOSNo reviewsSoap contains silver particles disinfecting effect accelerates wound healing has a positive effect on the suppleness and elasticity of the skin The soap contains silver stains. Silver does not damage human cells. This is the disinfecting phenomenon the disinfecting effect of silver. Silver accelerates...
- Normálna cena
- €8,57
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €8,57
- jednotková cena
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Šípková kôra mletá 200g SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION WILD ROSE SKIN coarsely ground POWDER It is pure rosehip peel (Rosa Canina) ground to a coarse powder , that she take with a teaspoon Effect: -helps with the right one Production of collagen to ensure the proper functioning of collagen vessels blood...
- Normálna cena
- €10,73
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €10,73
- jednotková cena
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Krém na ruky so slimačím slizom 75ml SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION HAND CREAM with snail slime CARE AND HAND PROTECTION By extracting snail slime we obtain a natural raw material for cosmetics Poli-Helixan, which is an essential part of this cream. Recommended for hands with dry, cracked and even irritated skin - moisturizes, tones,...
- Normálna cena
- €8,29
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €8,29
- jednotková cena
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HEPA komplex 60 tab. SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION It is a "herbal emergency" that aids in digestion and protects the liver. Individual actions ingredients of the product Hepa complex: - help the secretion of bile and increase pancreatic juice and thus improve digestion and absorption of greasy, hard-to-digest -digestible foods (artichoke,...
- Normálna cena
- €9,06
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €9,06
- jednotková cena
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Mydlo uhlie 100g SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Activated charcoal is a very rare type of soap the activated carbon with antibacterial, antibacterial, Antiviral and antiviral properties. disinfectant. This soap has an extremely strong Cleansing action, penetrates deep into the pores, cleansing them of toxins and Bacteria. It also soothes irritation...
- Normálna cena
- €7,47
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €7,47
- jednotková cena
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Bylinný detoxikačný čistiaci prostriedok 60 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Contains an optimally selected set of plants to support the processes of removing waste products from the body P> Manufactured in Poland. INGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS per 6 tablets (maximum serving ) : - Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) herb - 564 mg - Tricolor Violet (Viola)...
- Normálna cena
- €8,87
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €8,87
- jednotková cena
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Food Rakytníkový olej 100ml SANBIOS2 reviewsDESCRIPTION Sea buckthorn oil 100 ml food grade, cold pressed Gems on the European (EU) According to the health declarations published on the PENDING list, sea buckthorn oil has a beneficial effect on: (literal translation of the english page): - the body's natural immune...
- Normálna cena
- €13,20
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €13,20
- jednotková cena
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Libidin 60 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Effect: -Relieves fatigue, weakness and irritability , especially in times of cold, short day and lack of sun (Tribulus, Eleuterokok, Schisandra, muira) - improves condition and general immunity (Tribulus, Schisandra, Eleuterococ) - positively affect the Vitality, including sexual activity (Muira, Tribulus) Manufactured in...
- Normálna cena
- €10,83
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €10,83
- jednotková cena
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Horčík s draslíkom 60 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION This product is a combination of magnesium citrate with vitamins B1 (thiamine) and B6 (pyridoxine) and potassium. Magnesium with potassium is particularly recommended for: - active people, - subsceptible for stress, - tired, irritable, - difficulty falling asleep, To fall asleep, - mental...
- Normálna cena
- €10,14
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €10,14
- jednotková cena
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Horčík plus 60 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION This product is a combination of two organic magnesium citrate and lactate salts with vitamin B1 (thiamine) and B6 (pyridoxine), killed brewer's yeast and dandelion leaf . Chelated Magnesium Plus is particularly recommended for: -People active, - sensitive to stress, - tired, irritable,...
- Normálna cena
- €10,80
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €10,80
- jednotková cena
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Memoenergiaplus 30 tabliet. SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION dietary supplements for tired people, with concentration and memory problems. Effect: - helps the brain activity, its cognitive functions and to maintain memory (Ginkgo - helps in the proper functioning of the nervous system (Vitamins B6, C , Mg) - contributes to the...
- Normálna cena
- €7,85
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €7,85
- jednotková cena
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Meno - Kondicionér 60 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Meno-Klima is a dietary supplement that supplements the diet with Enriched with ingredients to help alleviate period-related discomfort The product is a rich source of phytoestrogens, in particular Clover isoflavones, green tea polyphenols and lemon balm leaf also has a calming and relaxing...
- Normálna cena
- €11,08
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €11,08
- jednotková cena
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Moringa plus 60 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is one of the most nutritious plants of the world. The dietary supplement MORINGA plus contains Moringa leaves in two forms: dried and powdered and leaf extract. Besides that we find diatoms here that are rich in easily absorbable, amorphous...
- Normálna cena
- €10,61
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €10,61
- jednotková cena
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Multi - B - KOMPLEX 30 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION The food supplement Multi-B-Complex is a set of 8 most important B vitamins, which: -helps in the proper functioning of the nervous system (PP, B2, B1, B12, B6, H) -in maintaining proper psychological functions (B1, B6, B12, kw. folic acid, H, PP) -...
- Normálna cena
- €6,11
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €6,11
- jednotková cena
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Multiminerály 60 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION It is a set of the 8 most important minerals the: - to reduce the feeling of tiredness and fatigue (Mg, Fe) - Help with the correct function of the immune system (Zn, Fe, Se, Cu) - Help with Maintaining proper vision and...
- Normálna cena
- €9,90
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €9,90
- jednotková cena
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Mumio Mix 60 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Mumio MIX is a combination of a natural mineral substance with a complex Mumio composition with selenium, zinc, yeast, turmeric and nettle. The ingredients of the product MUMIO Mix: - help with the right Function of the nervous and immune systems (Se, Zn,...
- Normálna cena
- €13,34
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €13,34
- jednotková cena
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Nature - C active 100 tabliet. SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION For dietary treatment product recommended for colds. Vitamin C: - helps to maintain the proper functioning of the immune system -helps in the proper production of collagen to keep it proper functioning of: a) ensure blood vessels b. cartilage c. gums i.e. teeth...
- Normálna cena
- €9,06
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €9,06
- jednotková cena
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Prírodný acerola vitamín C 100 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviews1 tableta denne, najlepšie ráno, po raňajkách a trochu neskôr, zapiť dostatočným množstvom vody. Užívajte po jedle. Pri zvýšenej potrebe môžete užívať až 3 tablety denne. Zloženie v 3 tabletách: Aktívne zložky Prírodný obsah vitamínu C : 1 tableta: 125 mg, t.j. 156 %...
- Normálna cena
- €13,02
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €13,02
- jednotková cena
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Pilonyx 60 tabliet SANBIOSNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Introducing PILONYX, designed to make our hair beautiful and shiny and to make our nails strong. The product contains only natural herbs Effect: - supports better nutrition, vascularization and Regeneration of skin, hair follicles and nails Plates (horsetail, bamboo, nettle, lucerne) - has...
- Normálna cena
- €10,53
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €10,53
- jednotková cena
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