Getrocknete Liebstöckelblätter - 30g VIVIO

Listy ľubovníka sušené - 30g VIVIO

Predajca: VIVIO
SKU: 5902115100864
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Medzisúčet: €2,47
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Getrocknete Liebstöckelblätter - 30g VIVIO

Saleswoman: VIVIO

Listy ľubovníka sušené - 30g VIVIO


Saleswoman: VIVIO

Listy ľubovníka sušené - 30g VIVIO


Dried lovage has many uses in our kitchen. Adding it to soups and sauces effectively enhances their aroma. You can easily add it to homemade herb butter with a touch of garlic. It is also worth knowing that lovage perfectly underlines the taste of pies, vegetable spreads and (even vegan) meatballs. In addition, it is worth adding it to home tinctures and even to warm tea.

This plant has also found APPLICATIONS in the modern pharmaceutical industry. Lovage leaves can be found in the composition of numerous dietary supplements intended to improve our well-being during the day. The caring properties of lovage are also important. This herb is present in numerous products (including shampoos and conditioners) thanks to which it becomes possible to improve the condition of our hair. Also, lovage is a common ingredient in perfumes for women and men.

USE in the kitchen:
• Lovage looks, tastes and smells like celery. In the kitchen, the popular spice Maggi is made from it.
• Fresh lovage leaves are added to soups, including broths.
• Some people use lovage stalks, like celery stalks, in salads and salads.
• Crushed lovage seeds are added to bread and cakes in English cuisine.
• Lovage is used to make bouillon cubes and in the alcohol industry to flavor vodka and liqueurs.

It has been used in various areas of life for centuries. It is mainly used in cooking, herbal medicine and cosmetics.

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