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Vrátenie peňazí by ste mali očakávať do štyroch týždňov od odovzdania balíka spiatočnému odosielateľovi, avšak v mnohých prípadoch dostanete vrátenie peňazí rýchlejšie. Toto časové obdobie zahŕňa čas prepravy, počas ktorého dostaneme váš návrat od odosielateľa (5 až 10 pracovných dní), čas potrebný na spracovanie vášho vrátenia po prijatí (3 až 5 pracovných dní) a čas potrebný na vašej banke na spracovanie našej žiadosti o vrátenie prostriedkov (5 až 10 pracovných dní).
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Nutritional and fortifying food supplement with a broad
spectrum of activity. The combination of natural adaptogens from extracts - mummy and
Mumio Ashwagandha supports the vitality of the body and
maintains physical and mental fitness. It gives energy, strengthens the body
, improves concentration and reduces stress.
Active ingredients:
• Mumio with 25% fulvic acids
• Ashwagandha Root
standardized to 7% withanolides
Mumio (Shilajit) is 100% natural
Rock resin, harvested on the peaks of the Himalayas A unique commodity of nature
used in the oriental countries (India, Tibet and Egypt) from 3000 years. In Sanskrit books
becomes the mummy "the destroyer of weakness" and the "source
called "Youth".
Mumio Extract:
• supports the system
immune and digestive systems
• increases mental and physical performance
protects the body from infection
• slows down the aging process
• works
• strengthens bones and joints
Ashwagandha -
«Indian ginseng»
Ashwagandha (invitingly lethargic) takes place in Ayurvedic pharmacology
a position similar to that of ginseng in Chinese medicine
Mumio Aswagandha
Ashwagandha Root Extract
• reduces stress and anxiety
• supports memory and
• calms and brightens the mind
• strengthens the vitality of the organism
• improves sleep quality
• stimulates anabolic processes
Mumio Shilajit (Himalaya Mummy),
standardized root extract says hello lazily (Withania somnifera (L.)
Dunal) incl. 7% withanolides, capsule (coating agent
- Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, purified water), bulking agent
- microcrystalline cellulose, release agent - magnesium salts of fatty acids.
Vegetarian capsule consists of
microcrystalline cellulose.
Amount per daily dose (1 capsule):
Mumio Shilajit Extract (Mumio
Himalayas) – 200 mg
Standardized root extract welcomes languidly
(Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal) 7% withanolides –
120 mg
Mumio Ashwagandha
can be taken over a longer period of time. It is assumed that the duration of the continuous
APPLICATION should be about 6-8 weeks. After that, take a monthly break
RECOMMENDED USE : 1 capsule once a day, preferably after a meal
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose
A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute
used for a varied diet.
A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet
are essential for maintaining good health.
Due to the content of standardized root extract, the product should not be consumed at the same time as taking medication
with sedative, hypnotic or antiepileptic effects. Do not use in children, pregnant and lactating women
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