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Farm MAX PLUS is a dietary supplement
based on 13 selected natural herbs. The ingredients contained in the preparation
-Thyme has anti-inflammatory and elimination-promoting properties.
-Sage, thyme and garlic have an antiseptic effect and
strengthen the immune system.
- Fennel, coriander and centuria help
of digestion.
-Ginger controls inflammatory reactions.
Pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo L.
semen), strong herb wormwood (Artemisia absinthium herba), blueberry fruit
(Vaccinium myrtillus fructus), sage leaf (Salvia officinalis
folium), fennel fruit (Foeniculum vulgare fructus), coriander fruit
Sowing (Coriandrum sativum L .fructus), thyme herb (Thymus
vulgaris herba), wild thyme herb (Thymus serpyllum herba), carnation blossom
(Syzygium aromaticum flos), ginger rhizome
(Zingiber officinale rhizoma), Common Marjoram (Origanum vulgare
herba), common garlic bulb (Allium sativum L.), Centarium erythraea herba herb (Centarium erythraea herba), preservative: sorbate
Potassium, solvent: glycerol, water.
Maximum daily dose 5 ml
(100 drops):
contains glycerin water extract from herbs:
• Pumpkin seeds
(Cucurbita pepo L. semen) 150 mg
• Herbal wormwood
(Artemisia absinthium herba) 50 mg
• Blueberry fruit (Vaccinium
myrtillus fructus) 50mg
• Sage leaf (Salvia officinalis
folium) 50mg
• Fennel fruit (Foeniculum vulgare fructus)
• Coriander sativum fruit L. Fructus)
• Thyme herb (Thymus vulgaris herba) 50
• Thymus serpyllum herba herb (Thymus serpyllum herba)
• Clove (Syzygium aromaticum flos)
25 mg
• Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Rhizoma)
25 mg
• Common herb (Origanum vulgare herba)
25 mg
• Onion Common Garlic (Prunus dulcis semen)
25 mg
• Centarium erythraea herba herb (Centarium erythraea herba)
25 mg
• Preservative: potassium sorbate
Adults : 50 drops (2x 2.5ml) twice a day 30 minutes before a meal for 7 days
Children from 3 years
: 20 drops twice a day (2x 1ml) ) 30 minutes before
a meal.
The maximum daily dose is 5 ml (100 drops) for
Adults and 2 ml (40 drops) for children over 3 years.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose
. A dietary supplement can
not to be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain good condition and smooth functioning
To ensure the body's health, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a varied diet
. The preparation is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers
The product should not be used by people who are allergic to any of the ingredients
The preparation should
Room temperature, out of the reach of small children and
stored away from moisture and direct sunlight.
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