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Upozorňujeme tiež, že náklady na dopravu mnohých položiek, ktoré predávame, sú založené na hmotnosti. Hmotnosť takejto položky nájdete na stránke s podrobnosťami. Všetky hmotnosti sú zaokrúhlené nahor na najbližšiu celú libru, aby odrážali pravidlá prepravných spoločností, ktoré používame.
Väčšinu nových, neotvorených položiek môžete vrátiť do 30 dní od doručenia, aby vám bola vrátená plná suma. Uhradíme aj náklady na spätnú dopravu, ak je vrátenie výsledkom našej chyby (dostali ste nesprávnu alebo chybnú položku atď.).
Vrátenie peňazí by ste mali očakávať do štyroch týždňov od odovzdania balíka spiatočnému odosielateľovi, avšak v mnohých prípadoch dostanete vrátenie peňazí rýchlejšie. Toto časové obdobie zahŕňa čas prepravy, počas ktorého dostaneme váš návrat od odosielateľa (5 až 10 pracovných dní), čas potrebný na spracovanie vášho vrátenia po prijatí (3 až 5 pracovných dní) a čas potrebný na vašej banke na spracovanie našej žiadosti o vrátenie prostriedkov (5 až 10 pracovných dní).
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Clays are organic or inorganic sedimentary rocks and soils formed when minerals weather. Its properties have been known in many cultures, especially in India, for thousands of years.
Red montmorillonite clay is a clay very rich in iron oxide that has skin-smoothing and warming properties. Red clay can be used as a raw material for the manufacture of creams, lotions and toners, especially for sebum reduction. It provides many trace elements and mineral salts.
Clay is 100% natural, sun-dried, contains no coloring or preservatives.
Clay is in the form of powdered, natural minerals. Red montmorillonite clay is mostly montmorillonite, hence its name. This clay does not dissolve in water. When added to the water phase it forms a suspension.
Clay treatments have become extremely popular and are sometimes referred to as argillotherapy. This area of natural medicine is based on the remarkable cosmetic and health properties of clay as a raw material. Clays are classified as peloids. They are obtained from the depths of the earth from a depth of 20 to 70 meters, therefore the method of treatment and care is called argillotherapy (lat. argi - earth).
Cosmetic clay can be applied in various forms: scrubs, mud baths, masks, compresses on the hair.
100% red clay.
NET WEIGHT: 150 gp >
hair mask
Mix 4 level teaspoons with 5ml clay, 20ml water and 10ml castor oil.
Apply the resulting paste to the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with a gentle shampoo.
Mask for dry, tired, sagging skin
To about 2 tablespoons of clay, add about 1.5 tablespoons of your chosen oil, mix and apply directly to skin, moistening from time to time. Rinse with warm water after about 20 minutes.
Mask for oily, acne-prone and acne-prone skin
To about 2 tablespoons of clay add about 1.5 tablespoons of boiled cold water, mix and apply directly to the skin, moistening every now and then. Rinse off with warm water after about 20 minutes.
Important: Do not mix the clay in metal bowls or with metal stirrers, as it loses its valuable properties when it comes into contact with metals.
Store cool and dry.
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