Schwarzkümmelsamen 500g VIVIO

Semená čiernej rasce 500g VIVIO

Predajca: VIVIO
SKU: 5902115101717
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Medzisúčet: €5,34
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Schwarzkümmelsamen 500g VIVIO

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Semená čiernej rasce 500g VIVIO


Saleswoman: VIVIO

Semená čiernej rasce 500g VIVIO


How do you eat black cumin?

Many are wondering which is better: seeds or black cumin oil? Ground black seeds or maybe in granules? It all depends on what we want to use it for. Scientific studies show that the therapeutic dose of black seed is 2 to 5 grams of ground seeds consumed twice a day. In this form, you can prepare an infusion or tincture. However, the daily dose of the oil is 500 to 1000 mg taken 2 or 3 times a day. Black seed oil can be successfully added to a salad. You can also find oil capsules in pharmacies. Whole grains should be added to baked goods. An interesting solution is bread with black cumin. Such aromatic bread will surely please all household members. Ground black cumin seeds are best added to meat dishes as a spice.

  • in the kitchen they can be used as a spice: ground black cumin is a great substitute for pepper;
  • whole or ground grains can be added to bread making;
  • as an infusion: brew like a tea, ie pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of ground seeds, let stand for about 20 minutes and drain. This infusion can be sweetened with honey.

How to brew black cumin seeds?

The Nigella sativa seeds can be used to PREPARE the infusion. To do this, cover and brew a tablespoon of ground seeds for about 20 minutes. Such a mixture can be consumed up to three times a day in the amount of ½ glass. The infusion can also be used externally, eg as a hair rinse or to wash the skin. You can also make a tincture from the ground seeds. All you need is half a glass of ground beans and 40% alcohol.

black cumin

" Reference shot for an average adult

(8,400kJ / 2,000kcal).

What does black sesame contain?

Research confirms that black cumin seeds contain many macro and micronutrients that are valuable for health. The seeds also contain dietary fiber (the soluble and insoluble dietary fibers - a total of about 30 grams per 100 grams of grains). This spice also contains alkaloids and flavonoids. Black seed is also a treasure trove of unsaturated fatty acids. Plus, it contains up to 15 amino acids! It is a source of vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Scientists pay attention to the presence of biologically active compounds in black cumin seeds that have health-promoting effects. These include thymoquin, which is believed to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

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