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Aquafresh Splash Strawberry and Mint toothpaste 3-8 years sugar protection 50ml
Children's glaze is 50% thinner than adult teeth and requires special care . The new Aquafresh Splash formula has been specially formulated by dentists to be less abrasive than adult toothpaste while providing 24-hour protection from sugar acids.
The Aquafresh Splash formula not only protects against sugar acid attacks, but also makes brushing your teeth a pleasure . Its wonderful strawberry flavor with a hint of mint can encourage children to brush their teeth longer.
Aquafresh Splash Strawberry Mint Toothpaste was developed by dental experts for children aged 3 to 8 years. It combines the great taste of strawberry and mint combined with professional tooth cleaning.
The enamel of the first teeth is therefore up to 50% more sensitive than the enamel of adult teeth and requires more careful care. In addition, by protecting the milk teeth, you can help the permanent teeth that are already waiting in the underlying gums to be replaced. Make them grow up healthy and strong.
It can take up to 3 years for the permanent teeth to fully strengthen . Therefore, the enamel of the first permanent teeth can be up to 50% more vulnerable to sugar acid attack at this point.
In addition to the sensitive enamel, mixed teeth also have gaps that are difficult to clean Plaque often accumulates.
APPLICATION : Daily dental care for children aged 3-8 years.
APPLICATION : Put a small amount of toothpaste on the brush. Brush your teeth in a circular motion for 2 minutes 2-3 times a day. Don't swallow, spit it out. For children under 6 years old, use a pea equivalent amount, being careful not to let the child swallow the paste.
The content of fluoride in the paste - 1000 ppm
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