honey and bee products

Honey has been valued by mankind since ancient times to the present day. And not just because of its delicious, sweet taste. For centuries, it has also been prized for its health-promoting properties that help the body function. Although a teaspoon of real bee honey contains twice as many calories...

Honey has been valued by mankind since ancient times to the present day. And not just because of its delicious, sweet taste. For centuries, it has also been prized for its health-promoting properties that help the body function. Although a teaspoon of real bee honey contains twice as many calories as a teaspoon of sugar, some nutrients are provided in the former case. This natural food can enrich many dishes and desserts, emphasizing their depth of flavor and also prove to be a great help when you have a cold.

The main properties of honey

Since several types of this product are commercially available, individual honeys can differ in composition and thus in their mode of action. However, there are some basic qualities for which they are valued by advocates of a healthy lifestyle.

Honey products have long been considered invaluable allies in the autumn and winter seasons, when the body is under attack from various viruses. The supporting effect of this product is related to the presence of enzymes and therefore antibiotic substances, such as e.g. E.g.: hydrogen peroxide, inhibin, lysozyme and apidicin. In addition, they are a source of many vitamins (including A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C), trace elements (including potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium) as well as folic acid and biotin.

Honey, especially honey with a slightly bitter taste, provides the body with antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals. In addition, they support the fight against colds and have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. By consuming natural products of this type, acetylcholine is also supplied to the body. This compound has a performance-enhancing effect on the heart muscle and thus has a positive effect on the circulatory system.


Honey is also known for its calming effects as well as for improving mood. However, it should be noted that its consumption is associated with the intake of large amounts of simple sugars. For this reason, it should not be used by people who suffer from elevated blood sugar levels or who are intolerant to them. It should also be noted that honey products cause allergies and should therefore be carefully selected by allergy sufferers.

The most popular types of honey

Honey is divided into different types depending on the type of plant the bees collected nectar from. The most popular varieties include:

Rapeseed honey has a characteristic odor and crystallizes very quickly, making it white or creamy. Due to the large amount of glucose, people who experience great exertion and fatigue grab it eagerly. The product is a source of vitamins K, C and B group and minerals: boron, potassium, iron and magnesium.

Linden honey is considered one of the tastiest varieties. It is high in glucose and fructose and also contains flavonoids. Honey of this type has a good effect on the throat and helps in coughing up secretions.

The health-promoting properties of buckwheat honey were discovered many generations ago. While not everyone likes its dark tea color and characteristically bitter taste, it is high in vitamins, as well as magnesium and iron. In addition, it supports the work of the circulatory system and strengthens the body's immunity.

Acacia honey is known for its liquid texture and sweet smell. Thanks to the large amount of carbohydrates, it can be taken by people struggling with chronic fatigue. This strain is also used to soothe upset stomachs.

Recently, Manuka honey from New Zealand has become increasingly popular. The ingredient known as methylglyoxal (MGO) is responsible for its restorative and antiseptic properties. As a result, Manuka supports, among other things, in inhibiting infection.

In addition to the above, a number of other varieties are available including multifloral, chestnut, dandelion, honeydew or eucalyptus. The offer also includes products made from honey and bee pollen.

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