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Šťava z aloe s dužinou 500 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm brand aloe juice is a dietary supplement obtained from the pulp of aloe leaves. Unlike juices reconstituted from concentrate, aloeVital® juice is characterized by an unmistakable taste and smell thanks to the technology of extracting it directly from the pulp of aloe leaves....
- Normálna cena
- €7,11
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €7,11
- jednotková cena
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Šťava z aloe s dužinou 500ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Aloe vera juice is made directly from the pulp obtained from aloe leaves. Unlike juices made from concentrate, it has a distinctive taste and smell. Aloe Vera supports the immune system and has a positive effect on metabolism and digestive processes. It can...
- Normálna cena
- €9,79
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €9,79
- jednotková cena
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Šťava z aloe 1l OLEOFARMNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Aloe vera juice is made directly from the pulp obtained from aloe leaves. Unlike juices made from concentrate, it has a distinctive taste and smell. Aloe Vera supports the immune system and has a positive effect on metabolism and digestive processes. It can...
- Normálna cena
- €15,45
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €15,45
- jednotková cena
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Šťava z aloe s dužinou 1l OLEOFARMNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Aloe vera juice is made directly from the pulp obtained from aloe leaves. Unlike juices made from concentrate, it has a distinctive taste and smell. Aloe Vera supports the immune system and has a positive effect on metabolism and digestive processes. It can...
- Normálna cena
- €15,58
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €15,58
- jednotková cena
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Arganový olej nerafinované oleje sveta 250ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsDESCRIPTION Arganöl ist ein Produkt, das durch Pressen der Argansamen (Argania spinosa) gewonnen wird. Es zeichnet sich durch ein angenehmes, nussiges Aroma und einen ausgeprägten Geschmack aus. Arganöl wird in der Küche als Beigabe zu Salaten, Saucen, Fisch- und Fleischgerichten verwendet - als ideale...
- Normálna cena
- €22,54
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €22,54
- jednotková cena
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Šťava z arónie 100% 490 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm Aronia Juice. Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa L.) is a shrub in the rose family grown for its aromatic, dark blue fruits. The juice, pressed directly from chokeberry fruits, has a sour, slightly tart taste. It is a perfect complement to a daily, balanced diet....
- Normálna cena
- €8,51
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €8,51
- jednotková cena
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Avokádový olej za studena lisované oleje sveta 250ml OLEOFARM3 reviewsDESCRIPTION Avocadoöl wird aus feinsten Früchten durch Kaltpressung gewonnen. Es verführt mit einem äußerst reichen Aroma und einem mild-fruchtigen Geschmack. Es unterstreicht perfekt den Geschmack von kalt zubereiteten Gerichten, insbesondere von Salaten, Salaten, Dips, Saucen und würzigen Pasten. Avocadoöl ist reich an ungesättigten Fetten,...
- Normálna cena
- €15,06
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €15,06
- jednotková cena
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Bio brezová šťava BIO 300 ml - OLEOFARMNo reviewsOrganická brezová šťava Oleofarm sa získava z kmeňov brezy skoro na jar a zbiera sa od okamihu, keď sa na strome objavia prvé púčiky, až kým sa nerozvinú listy. Vyznačuje sa svetlou slamovou farbou a neutrálnou, jemnou chuťou. Brezová šťava je dokonalým doplnkom každodennej...
- Normálna cena
- €3,60
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,60
- jednotková cena
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Brezová a jablková šťava bez pridaného cukru, 300 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm birch sap is extracted from the trunks of birch trees in early spring and collected from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. It is characterized by a light straw color and a neutral, delicate taste. The...
- Normálna cena
- €2,01
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €2,01
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava 300 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm birch sap is extracted from the trunks of birch trees in early spring and collected from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. It is characterized by a light straw color and a neutral, delicate taste. Birch...
- Normálna cena
- €3,45
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,45
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava 990 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm birch sap is extracted from the trunks of birch trees in early spring and collected from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. It is characterized by a light straw color and a neutral, delicate taste. Birch...
- Normálna cena
- €6,68
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €6,68
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava so šípkovým nálevom bez cukru 990 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm birch juice with rosehip infusion, no added sugar. Birch sap is obtained from the trunks of birch trees in early spring and is harvested from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. The addition of wild rose...
- Normálna cena
- €5,72
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €5,72
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava s mätou bez pridaného cukru 300 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm birch sap is extracted from the trunks of birch trees in early spring and collected from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. It is characterized by a light straw color and a neutral, delicate taste. The...
- Normálna cena
- €3,61
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,61
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava s pridanou mätou bez cukru 990 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsBirch sap with mint, no added sugar, from Oleofarm. Birch sap is obtained from the trunks of birch trees in early spring and is harvested from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. It is characterized by a...
- Normálna cena
- €6,64
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €6,64
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava s divou ružou bez pridaného cukru 300 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm birch sap is extracted from the trunks of birch trees in early spring and collected from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. It is characterized by a light straw color and a neutral, delicate taste. The...
- Normálna cena
- €3,25
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,25
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava s prídavkom koncentrátu šťavy z granátového jablka 990 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm birch juice with pomegranate concentrate, no added sugar. Birch sap is obtained from the trunks of birch trees in early spring and is harvested from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. The addition of pomegranate juice...
- Normálna cena
- €2,79
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €2,79
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava s prídavkom jablkovej šťavy bez cukru 990 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm birch juice with no added sugar. Birch sap is obtained from the trunks of birch trees in early spring and is harvested from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. The addition of apple juice gives it...
- Normálna cena
- €5,67
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €5,67
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava bez pridaného cukru 990 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm sugar-free birch sap is extracted from birch trunks in early spring and harvested from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. It is characterized by a light straw color and a neutral, delicate taste. Birch sap is...
- Normálna cena
- €6,68
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €6,68
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava bez pridaného cukru BIO 300 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOleofarm's ecological birch sap is extracted from birch trunks in early spring and harvested from the time the first buds appear on the tree until the leaves develop. It is characterized by a light straw color and a neutral, delicate taste. Birch sap is...
- Normálna cena
- €3,28
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,28
- jednotková cena
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Brezová šťava bez pridaného cukru BIO 990 ml OLEOFARMNo reviewsOrganic birch juice with no added sugar from Oleofarm is obtained from birch trunks in early spring and harvested in the period from the appearance of the first buds on the tree until the leaves develop. It is characterized by a light straw color...
- Normálna cena
- €7,13
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €7,13
- jednotková cena
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