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A common ailment, regardless of the season, is burning feet and chafing.
The autumn-winter period and the associated long wearing of shoes, increased humidity and temperature changes create unfavorable conditions for the skin
BingoSpa salt for feet prone to burning and chafing contains extracts of sage, lemon balm and chamomile, which inhibit the growth of microorganisms and fungi, reduce the tendency to sweat, restore the natural pH of the skin of the feet and gently moisturize them.
< h3> BingoSpa salt for feet prone to chafing and burning: - Reduces foot swelling and its tendency to develop
- relieves burning feet
- relieves tired feet
- reduces the tendency to chafe
The effectiveness of BingoSpa salt has been confirmed by APPLICATION tests
(The research was carried out in a specialized research laboratory under the supervision of a dermatologist)
- reduces the tendency to chafing - 90% effective,
- relieves burning feet - 90% effective,
- softens the skin of the feet - 100% effectiveness
Research has confirmed that BingoSpa salt is an effective remedy for chafing on the skin of the feet.
BingoSpa salt is very well tolerated by the skin, no irritations such as: redness, burning, itching both during the bath and immediately after it has ended
BingoSpa salt softens calluses (corns), brings significant relief to tired feet, improves the overall appearance of the feet.
90% of respondents considered the effect of BingoSpa salt to be better than previously used preparations with a similar effect.
Also recommended for soaking corns.
Place two capfuls of BingoSpa salt in a jug of lukewarm water, precisely sized to moisten.
Soak your feet for at least 15 minutes, then dry them thoroughly.
Use once a day for 14 days.
Use them prophylactically in cold weather
Weight: 550g
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