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BINGOSPA rašelinový šampón 500 mlNo reviewsThe cosmetic properties of peat were already appreciated by Cleopatra, and its healing properties were well known to the ancient Greeks. Only therapeutic peat is currently used, called peloid or peloid. Peat is rich in bitumen, pectins, cellulose, humic acids, fulvic acids, lignins, as...
- Normálna cena
- €5,75
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €5,75
- jednotková cena
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Sprchový gél s minerálmi z Mŕtveho mora 300ml BINGOSPANo reviewsThe mineral content of Dead Sea salt differs from that of typical seawater known as "seawater." The Dead Sea water has about 53% magnesium chloride, 37% potassium chloride, the rest is sodium chloride, calcium chloride and various trace elements. In addition to chloride, there...
- Normálna cena
- €4,03
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €4,03
- jednotková cena
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Soľ na oparenie líčok 550g BingoSpaNo reviewsBINGO SALT FOR FOOT RELAXATION A common ailment, regardless of the season, is burning feet and chafing. The autumn-winter period and the associated long wearing of shoes, increased humidity and temperature changes create unfavorable conditions for the skin BingoSpa salt for feet prone to...
- Normálna cena
- €6,35
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €6,35
- jednotková cena
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Soľ na nohy s extraktom z pagaštanu konského a čajovníkovým olejom 550g BINGOSPANo reviewsBINGO FOOT SALT WITH CHESTNUT 550G BingoSpa salts for feet prone to vascular rupture contain horse chestnut extract - a source of escin and tea tree oil, which has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect, and also normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. The...
- Normálna cena
- €6,47
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €6,47
- jednotková cena
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Soľ na nohy, opuchy, opuchy 550g BINGOSPANo reviewsDESCRIPTION Also recommended for foot pain. Eliminate foot fatigue, relieve swelling and swelling of feet caused by z cold water, mix thoroughly, soak alloy for at least 15 minutes, dry when finished. Soak your feet as a preventive measure on hot days. Effect The...
- Normálna cena
- €6,47
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €6,47
- jednotková cena
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Glykolový rašelinový extrakt 100% 100ml BINGOSPANo reviewsGlykolischer Torfextrakt 100 % BingoSpa. Kosmetischer Rohstoff - ein Produkt für Profis. Inhaltsstoffe: Propylenglycol, Sphagnum-Extrakt. Form der ZUBEREITUNG: Liquid.
- Normálna cena
- €7,15
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €7,15
- jednotková cena
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Kolagénový kúpeľ 1000ml BINGOSPANo reviewsCollagen - a biopolymer with valuable properties and the basic building block of fibrous connective tissue of living organisms, it is a component of the epidermis and dermis and thanks to its NMF properties - a natural moisturizing factor to maintain the right level...
- Normálna cena
- €8,80
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €8,80
- jednotková cena
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Extrakt z riasy Laminaria digitata 10ml BINGOSPANo reviewsDESCRIPTION - ein professioneller kosmetischer Inhaltsstoff - weist Anti-Cellulite-Eigenschaften auf - nützlich für die Herstellung von Haushaltskosmetik Laminaria Digitata-Algen werden hauptsächlich in Anti-Fettgewebe-Therapien verwendet. Mineralsalze, insbesondere Jod, regen den Gesamtstoffwechsel an und verstärken die osmotischen Veränderungen, wodurch übermäßige Flüssigkeitsmengen reduziert werden. Dieses Phänomen wird...
- Normálna cena
- €4,91
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €4,91
- jednotková cena
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Soľ síran horečnatý 125kg BINGOSPANo reviewsMagnesium sulphate salt for mineral baths and wraps 1250 g Bingo Indications: BingoSpa gently foaming magnesium sulphate salt contains magnesium sulphate, vacuum evaporated salt, sodium bicarbonate, potassium aluminum sulphate and extracts from aloe, chamomile, chestnut and eucalyptus. Characteristics: The properties of BingoSpa magnesium sulphate...
- Normálna cena
- €11,67
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €11,67
- jednotková cena
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Maska s komplexom rias 120g BINGOSPANo reviewsDie stark feuchtigkeitsspendende Gesichtsmaske von BingoSpa enthält einen Algenkomplex aus fünf Algen (Ascophyllum, Spirulina, Nori, Laminaria und Fucus) und Kollagen. Nach der ANWENDUNG der Maske können wir sehen, dass die Haut regeneriert, intensiv mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und Falten geglättet werden. ZUTATEN Aqua, Glycerin, Fucus,...
- Normálna cena
- €2,92
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €2,92
- jednotková cena
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Bahenný kúpeľ 1000ml BINGOSPANo reviewsPeat is rich in bitumen, pectins, cellulose, humic acids, fulvic acids, lignins and phytohormones and other compounds that show biological activity. Inorganic substances are mainly macro and micro elements. Healing peat is divided into high peat, transitional peat and low peat. High peat forms...
- Normálna cena
- €9,73
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €9,73
- jednotková cena
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Soľ z Mŕtveho mora 100% 125kg BingoSpaNo reviewsDESCRIPTION The mineral composition of the Dead Sea differs from that of typical sea water . Salt in the sea consists of 97% sodium chloride NaCl (table salt ), but in the Dead Sea it is only 8%. water from the Dead Sea Contains...
- Normálna cena
- €12,37
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €12,37
- jednotková cena
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Soľ na unavené nohy 550g BINGOSPANo reviewsBingo Spa FOOT SALT BingoSpa salt for tired feet with guarana and minerals from the Dead Sea Energizing BingoSpa salt for tired feet care contains guarana extract, eucalyptus oil, Dead Sea minerals, magnesium sulfate and zinc oxide. Refreshes and tones, gives a feeling of...
- Normálna cena
- €6,47
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €6,47
- jednotková cena
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Soľ pre starostlivosť o nohy so sklonom k mykózam 550g BINGOSPANo reviewsSalt for feet prone to mycosis, cracking between the fingers BINGOSPA inhibits the tendency to fungal symptoms inhibits the bursting of the epidermis between the fingers eliminates the maceration of the epidermis reduces skin moisture skin between fingers ul> Tinea pedis is an infection...
- Normálna cena
- €6,72
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €6,72
- jednotková cena
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Sel de Mer Soľ do kúpeľa Japonská borovica 135kg BingoSpaNo reviewsNatural, thick BingoSpa salt crystals from the Zechstein Age and therefore free from pollution from civilization contain many valuable micro-elements that have a significant impact on the skin's ability to function and its healthy appearance. BingoSpa salt is an intensive injection of health elements...
- Normálna cena
- €10,21
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €10,21
- jednotková cena
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Sel de Mer soľ do kúpeľa morská riasa Fucus 135kg BINGOSPANo reviewsNatural, thick BINGOSPA salt crystals from the Zechstein Age and therefore free from pollution from civilization contain many valuable micro-elements that have a significant impact on the skin's ability to function and its healthy appearance. BINGOSPA salt is an intensive injection of health elements...
- Normálna cena
- €10,21
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €10,21
- jednotková cena
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Tinea mydlo na nohy 500ml BINGOSPANo reviewsDESCRIPTION The fungus-prone BingoSpa foot soap also prevents the epidermis between the toes from tearing due to the action of fungi and yeasts. Washes, has a fungicidal and antibacterial effect. It has a bactericidal effect. Reduces sweating. It has an antiseptic, refreshing and soothing...
- Normálna cena
- €5,69
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €5,69
- jednotková cena
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Rašelinový sprchový gél 300ml BINGOSPA1 reviewPeat not only heals, but also wonderfully nourishes the skin. It prevents premature skin aging and ensures that it retains its beautiful appearance for many years. Peat in body shaping treatments, to eliminate cellulite and stretch marks, is essential to detoxify tissues affected by...
- Normálna cena
- €3,92
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €3,92
- jednotková cena
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Rašelina na nohy 135g BINGOSPANo reviewsBingoSpa-Torf ist eine ausgewählte, standardisierte Essenz einer Heiltorfsorte mit stabiler biologischer Aktivität, deren Eigenschaften durch den Gehalt an organischen und anorganischen Stoffen bestimmt werden. ZUTATEN strong > Aqua, Elaesis Guineensis, Petrolotum, Cetylalkohol, Glycerilmonostearat, Propylenglykol , Pfefferminzöl, Paraffinum Liquidum, Zinkoxid, Ceteareth-18, Sphagnum-Extrakt, Tristearylcitrat, Düngemittelharnstoff, Paraffinum,...
- Normálna cena
- €7,21
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €7,21
- jednotková cena
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Rašelinová soľ na obklady a kúpele 135 kg BINGOSPANo reviewsPRODUCT DESCRIPTION Moor salt for baths and wraps 1350g BingoSpa Peat is rich in humic acids, enzymes, estrogens and trace elements. It improves blood circulation, has a warming, decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect. It relieves pain in injuries and diseases of the joints, bones and...
- Normálna cena
- €11,67
- Normálna cena
- predajná cena
- €11,67
- jednotková cena
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