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Why is it worth eating pumpkin seeds?

through Biogo Biogo 05 Dec 2022 0 comments
Warum lohnt es sich, Kürbiskerne zu essen?

Squash is an extremely healthy vegetable and we can use it to make a whole range of different dishes. It works well in the form of soup, pancakes, or fries. Its versatility makes it extremely popular in our country. However, it is also worth remembering about the seeds in it. After all, they often end up in the trash, and that's a big mistake. Aside from wasting food this way, and more importantly - we're getting rid of an extremely nutrient-dense product. Pumpkin seeds certainly deserve to be called a "superfood" and we're going to try to prove it.

The use of pumpkin seeds

In the food industry, pumpkin seeds are mainly used to produce unrefined oil. It is extremely healthy and is recommended to be eaten cold. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not suitable for frying due to the low smoke point, but most importantly - when heated, it loses its health-promoting properties. Additionally, these seeds are a common ingredient in all sorts of non-vegan spreads that make a great base. We also find them in baked goods, for example, but we can also add them to salads or even desserts. Let's add that pumpkin seeds are a relatively cheap product in relation to the nutritional value they offer. We find them in most stores, whether dried, roasted, or hidden in the pumpkin itself. Of course, the most health-promoting ingredients are found in fresh pumpkin seeds, so it's worth buying a whole pumpkin to get them.

Pumpkin seeds are one of the best dietary sources of magnesium

Pumpkin seeds are one of the best sources of magnesium food. With just a handful of these, we can cover around 40% of our daily requirement for this mineral. However, there are up to 600 milligrams in just 100 grams of seeds. All of this makes them an easy way to supplement magnesium deficiencies. It should be noted here that almost 75% of the entire world population can suffer from a deficiency. Our daily diet usually does not fully cover the need for this micronutrient, which can have many negative health effects. Let's add that it is involved in almost 300 different chemical processes in our body. It has a major impact on the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system or the nervous system as a whole. Yes, we can also resort to all kinds of nutritional supplements that will certainly help to balance blood magnesium levels, but usually products of natural origin are the best nutritional choice. It is also worth noting that pumpkin seeds can also be a source of zinc, as they contain about 8 mg of this element in 100 grams. This means that this amount can cover about 15% of the daily requirement.

Pumpkin seeds as a source of iron in the diet

The best source of iron is red meat. By eating it, we provide relatively large amounts of this microelement, and it is relatively well absorbed. However, there are many situations where, for whatever reason, we don't want or can't eat meat and therefore somehow limit dietary iron intake. In such situations, one of the better solutions will simply be reaching for pumpkin seeds. A handful provides about 18% of your daily needs for this nutrient. Let's add that non-heme iron, found even in the seeds mentioned above, is less absorbable than heme iron - that is, of animal origin. However, it is still a much better solution than resorting to various supplements containing this nutrient, for example. It is worth noting that the absorption of iron can be improved by consuming it with products rich in vitamin C.

How can pumpkin seeds improve prostate health?

It turns out that pumpkin seeds can have a huge impact on prostate health. A number of studies were conducted in which male rats were given pumpkin seeds. The results of these experiments were very interesting as it was observed that the oil contained in the seeds can inhibit prostatic hyperplasia. In addition, it can also counteract this in the future by limiting the negative effects of excess testosterone on this gland. In addition, consumption of pumpkin seeds is recommended for men of childbearing age. Of course, this is influenced by the zinc mentioned, but also by the high content of vitamin E. Ultimately, these two substances determine the mobility of the sperm, their number and even the production speed. More specifically, pumpkin seeds have a significant impact on sperm quality and therefore on a man's fertility.

Pumpkin Seeds and Cardiovascular Health

Pumpkin seeds are also characterized by a positive effect on the health of our circulatory system, including the heart. They are influenced by the high content of unsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 family and plant phytosterols. These compounds have a particularly health-promoting effect on our heart and can prevent the development of atherosclerosis and excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the lumen of the coronary arteries, thus significantly reducing the risk of a heart attack. In addition, the high content of magnesium is not without importance. This element has been proven to have a mild antihypertensive effect, so it can help lower blood pressure. In addition, it has been proven that long-term intake of high doses of magnesium can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure. However, that is not all of magnesium's health benefits, as numerous studies have been conducted on its effects on brain health and condition. The results were more than satisfactory, as there is a strong link between the intake of magnesium-rich foods and a reduced risk of, for example, stroke.

Antiparasitic effect of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds have multiple effects on our body, and one of their most interesting properties is their antiparasitic properties. This topic has occupied scientists for years, and it was Polish researchers who decided to check if this is really the case. To do this, they carried out in vitro studies with different nematode species. To their surprise, it turned out that pumpkin seed extract significantly reduced the number of eggs they laid. In addition, the number of eggs from which fully developed individuals hatched also decreased. It is also worth noting that the substances contained in the seeds were not neutral to adult nematodes. They significantly reduced their mobility in the digestive tract. Then it was decided to conduct a series of similar experiments, but this time laboratory animals became the subject of research. The conclusions from these studies were almost identical, as the number of eggs found in the animals' feces as well as the number of mature nematodes present in their digestive tract decreased significantly. In addition, the length and size of the parasites also changed, as the individuals found were significantly smaller and shorter than those inhabiting the bodies of animals to which the extract had not been administered.

Pumpkin seeds can boost our immunity

The pumpkin harvest takes place in the fall, which is somewhat related to the start of the season for various colds or flu. Pumpkin, or rather its seeds, can be a great way to boost our immunity during this period. This is of course related to the high zinc content of the seeds. Zinc is necessary for the proper functioning of our body, but it also has a major impact on the functioning of the immune system. Finally, it is zinc that is necessary for the proper functioning of thymulin, a hormone secreted by the thymus gland. It stimulates the secretion and growth of cells responsible for our immunity. It has a particularly strong effect on T lymphocytes and NK cells, which are also known as natural killers of pathogenic microorganisms. It is worth noting that the high content of zinc in the diet can significantly reduce the risk of contracting various viral diseases, shorten the duration of the common cold and significantly alleviate its course.

Other properties of pumpkin seeds

Due to their high magnesium content, pumpkin seeds can also affect our mood. When we don't provide enough of this nutrient, our nervous system doesn't function properly. As a result, irritability, mood swings, headaches, and even anxiety or depression can occur. The perfect answer to all these ailments can be pumpkin seeds, which not only supplement magnesium deficiency, but can also improve our mood. In addition, both pumpkin flesh and seeds contain large amounts of carotenoids and protease inhibitors. Both compounds are powerful antioxidants — so they may reduce the risk of prostate and lung cancer. It is worth noting that in addition to the above properties of zinc, it has an equally large impact on the condition of our hair, skin and nails. Hair, in particular, is extremely dependent on the amount of this micronutrient, but if it is not enough, it will certainly be weakened and, as a result, fall out faster. On the other hand, the vitamin A contained in the seeds affects the condition of nails and skin in the same way as those of group B. To enjoy their well-being, it is therefore worth reaching for the seeds of this plant regularly.


In addition to being tasty, pumpkin seeds contain a number of health-promoting chemical compounds. Zinc, iron, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium are just a few of them. Also in their favor is the fact that they are a relatively cheap product and widely available. They have a great impact on our cardiovascular system, immunity, prostate condition, nervous system and can protect against the harmful activity of parasites. It is this variety of possible uses and the complex influence on the function of almost the entire body that allows almost everyone to benefit from the health-promoting properties of pumpkin seeds.

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