Complexes of vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and trace elements are substances that can be supplied both through food and in the form of ready-made preparations. These substances are essential for the proper functioning of the human body as they affect all metabolic processes in our body. Together with food we provide the body with many...
Vitamins and trace elements are substances that can be supplied both through food and in the form of ready-made preparations. These substances are essential for the proper functioning of the human body as they affect all metabolic processes in our body.

Together with food we provide the body with many vitamins and microelements, but sometimes it happens that the intake of these ingredients is not enough in relation to demand. Then we use ready-made sets with vitamins and trace elements.

Vitamin and mineral complexes - when are they used?

Let's reach for such extra support if:

we eat irregularly and not very healthy
we are working hard on it
We have completed the application of strong measures
We followed a restrictive diet
we feel increased tiredness, eg in spring
We play sports intensively
Complexes of vitamins and minerals provide us with all the necessary substances of this type in our body. In such kits, the amount of vitamins and trace elements is adjusted to human needs, and the composition is designed to ensure 100 percent of the daily requirement of a particular ingredient. The following ingredients are most commonly found in vitamin and mineral complexes: vitamins A, D, E, K, C, B vitamins, niacin, calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium, selenium, molybdenum and zinc.

During their use, we should not take any other vitamin or mineral supplements, as they can be overdosed. The vitamin complexes mostly come in the form of tablets, gummies or liquid.

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