Natural probiotics

Natural probiotics are designed to rebuild the body's bacterial flora, which can be damaged by bacterial infections, poor diet or antibiotic therapy. They should contain specific strains of bacteria that will help restore the natural flora. Some people turn to pharmacy solutions, especially during a bacterial infection or when taking...
Natural probiotics are designed to rebuild the body's bacterial flora, which can be damaged by bacterial infections, poor diet or antibiotic therapy. They should contain specific strains of bacteria that will help restore the natural flora. Some people turn to pharmacy solutions, especially during a bacterial infection or when taking medication, but we recommend trying natural probiotics.

What do natural probiotics contain

Natural probiotics are primarily silage (cabbage, cucumbers), bread and beet sourdough, lactic acid cultures. These beneficial bacteria are found in many foods in a condensed, easily digestible form. However, if we want certain strains in certain quantities, then it is worth supplementing the body with natural probiotics in the form of tablets - the food itself does not give such precision. Probiotics stimulate and support the body's immunity, have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, restore the flora after acute infections, so it is worth taking them preventively, especially in the autumn and winter period.

Natural probiotics in Biogo Store

Capsules, powders, oils and suspensions - probiotics in the Biogo shop come in different forms. Important - they are resistant to gastric acid, which means that they go directly to the intestines and relieve stress there. The composition of each of these preparations is based on natural bacterial cultures. Natural probiotics should be used with caution by pregnant and lactating women.

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