Vitamins D3 and K2

The human body requires various nutrients and vitamins that are essential for its health. Therefore, it is worth focusing on a balanced diet. Only when it is difficult to ensure the correct amount of any ingredient should a supplement be used. Vitamins K2 and D3 are important chemical compounds that...

The human body requires various nutrients and vitamins that are essential for its health. Therefore, it is worth focusing on a balanced diet. Only when it is difficult to ensure the correct amount of any ingredient should a supplement be used. Vitamins K2 and D3 are important chemical compounds that have a positive effect on the skeletal system and blood vessels, among other things. Both are fat-soluble, meaning the body cannot accumulate and store them. In addition, they should be taken together, because D3 helps absorb calcium, while K2 is responsible for the correct placement of this microelement in the skeletal system, while preventing harmful deposits in the joints and arteries.

Effect and occurrence of vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is produced by the human body when the skin is exposed to the right amount of sunlight. This means that in the autumn and winter months, when the weather outside the windows is often cloudy and unfavorable, the body is more exposed to a lack of this organic compound. It is found in fish oil, eggs, dairy products, fish and vegetable oils, among other things. Many people have a problem with vitamin D3 deficiency, so it is also worth considering supplementation.

The right dose of vitamin D3 has a positive effect on the skeletal system, as well as on the blood vessels, the digestive system and general well-being. This is partly due to its properties, which promote the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus. It also regenerates the nervous and muscular systems. D3 also regulates the body's response to various infections and therefore has a significant effect on the immune system. Due to the many beneficial effects, it is worth paying attention to the right dose of this vitamin at any age.

Vitamin K2 and its influence on the human body

The right amount of vitamin K2 in the body ensures the healthy development of the skeletal system, including bones and teeth, also regulates proper blood clotting and protects the cardiovascular system. In addition, it improves skin tone and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is also responsible for proper calcium metabolism and activates osteocalcin, a protein responsible for binding calcium in the bones.

Vitamin K2 is produced by the intestinal bacteria, but not absorbed into the body from there. It occurs naturally in meat, eggs, and dairy products, but the greatest amounts are found in the Asian dish of natto, made from fermented soybeans, whose distinctive taste and smell may be disliked by many people.

Supplementation of vitamins K2 and D3

Both vitamin D3 and K2 are necessary for the proper absorption of calcium so that it has a positive effect on the skeletal system. D3 helps absorb this chemical while K2 directs it to where it's needed i.e. the skeleton. It is therefore important to supply the body with the right dose every day. Dietary supplements containing these two vitamins are available in both tablet and liquid form and eliminate their deficiencies, which are often difficult to replenish with food.

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