
Quinoa can be found under the names quinoa, Peruvian rice and sacred Inca grain. It was the basis of the ancient Inca diet. Quinoa has been cultivated in South America for around 5,000 years. Currently, it can also be found in the regions of Ecuador, Chile, Peru and Bolivia. It...

Quinoa can be found under the names quinoa, Peruvian rice and sacred Inca grain. It was the basis of the ancient Inca diet. Quinoa has been cultivated in South America for around 5,000 years. Currently, it can also be found in the regions of Ecuador, Chile, Peru and Bolivia. It is an annual plant, it matures after 4-5 months and can reach a height of 2.5 m. It comes from the quinoa family and is a pseudocereal, meaning this plant produces grains that are mostly starch but not cereal. It is related to a white quinoa variety popular in Poland called Lebioda. The English name of this plant is goosefoot. It is related to the shape of the leaves, the plants at the top are lanceolate, and those near the ground resemble a goosefoot.

What properties does quinoa have?

The majority of quinoa is made up of carbohydrates, making up around 60%, mainly starch and fiber, which makes up around 6%. The protein content is in the range of 12-22%. This protein contains all exogenous amino acids, i.e. those that the body cannot synthesize itself and must be supplied with food. It contains a large amount of lysine, which is rarely found in grain, methionine and cysteine. Such a good amino acid profile sets them apart from other plants. For this reason, as a meat substitute, it can be a good addition to the diet of vegans and vegetarians. In addition, it contains less fat than animal products, about 6%, and these are unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, oleic and linoleic acid. These fatty acids support the cardiovascular system. Another element that distinguishes quinoa from other grains is its high content of polyphenols, mainly quercetin and kaempferol. They have an antioxidant effect, ie they support the body in breaking down free radicals. Consequently, they support the body's immunity and can slow down the aging process. The antioxidant effect is reinforced by the vitamin C and vitamin E contained in the composition of Peruvian rice. Saponins also support the immune system, giving the grains a slightly bitter aftertaste. Quinoa is also a source of B vitamins, especially thiamine, ribofalvin, niacin, B6. B vitamins support the work of the nervous system and are involved in energy production. Quinoa also contains many minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium and iron. Thanks to them, it has a positive effect on muscle work, supports immunity, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and acts as an antioxidant.

Adding to all of these health-promoting properties of quinoa is that it's easy to digest and the grains have a low glycemic index (GI) of 35 because they contain mostly complex carbohydrates. In combination with lots of dietary fiber, it has a positive effect on glucose levels. Of course it contains no gluten. People who absolutely must avoid gluten should choose a quinoa with a certificate that ensures it is gluten-free. This is because the grains may contain traces of gluten from other processed grains during the production phase.

How to use the sacred Inca seed?

Quinoa is a very versatile grain. It can be used as an accompaniment to main courses, as an ingredient in soups, in breakfast cereals, and in the form of flour for baking bread and making pasta. It has a delicate taste that is also good as an ingredient in desserts, cakes and for preparing healthy snacks. Quinoa grains should be rinsed under running water to reduce their bitter aftertaste. Then cook them according to the manufacturer's directions on the package for about 10-15 minutes. The grain to water ratio is 1:2, so you should add 2 glasses of water to every glass of quinoa.

Due to its composition, it is a good addition to the diet of active people, athletes, vegans and vegetarians. It's perfect as the main ingredient in a workout-related meal. All people who care about health should add it to their diet, because it is a treasury of many vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the work of our body. In addition, it is very tasty and universal, everyone should find a suitable version of quinoa that fits into their daily diet.

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