
According to a Chinese legend, tofu was eaten as early as 164 BC. manufactured. Nowadays, this soy milk curd is not only used in Asian cuisine, but is also increasingly being used as a substitute for traditional cheese and meat. While tofu doesn't have its signature flavor, it inherits it...

According to a Chinese legend, tofu was eaten as early as 164 BC. manufactured. Nowadays, this soy milk curd is not only used in Asian cuisine, but is also increasingly being used as a substitute for traditional cheese and meat. While tofu doesn't have its signature flavor, it inherits it from the products made with it. Therefore, it can be added to both dry dishes and sweet desserts.

How is Asian quark made?

Tofu cheese, also known as "dofu" or "doufu," is made from plant-based milk made from ground and cooked soybeans. It undergoes the curdling process, which consists of adding a special ingredient that separates the lumps of cottage cheese from the liquid. Calcium sulfate plays this role very often, which is why tofu can have a high percentage of this mineral in its composition. This product is most commonly consumed in China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea and Thailand as it originates from that region. For this reason it is also often referred to as Asian quark.

Properties of tofu

In addition to the calcium already mentioned, tofu cheese is considered a rich source of protein. And that explains best why it's predominant in Chinese cuisine, which is dairy-free and based on low-protein rice. In addition, it can provide the body with vegetable unsaturated fats, as well as part of vitamins (mainly E and B) and mineral salts, e.g. phosphorus, potassium or sodium. Tofu is considered a source of isoflavones.

However, it is difficult to determine the levels of specific nutrients in this product as it comes in many varieties. In addition to natural tofu, the range also includes smoked and pickled soybean cottage cheese with the addition of various herbs or other ingredients, such as garlic. In addition, one also distinguishes the so-called silken tofu, which is characterized by a silky consistency and can therefore be boldly used for the preparation of creams and cakes.

The great popularity of tofu cheese is also related to its low calorie content, which is around 80-150 kcal per 100 g, so it can be used by people who should control their body weight or due to heart problems cannot consume large amounts of saturated fat consume. In addition, this product is said to have slightly alkaline properties, which is why it is assumed that it does not lead to over-acidification of the body. Is tofu healthy? The recent fading fame of soybeans may cast doubt on tofu's beneficial properties. Of course, there are some contraindications to its consumption, and this is mainly related to the isoflavones mentioned above. For some people, especially those struggling with thyroid issues or allergies, they can prove to be a potentially dangerous ingredient. In addition, due to the presence of phytohormones, tofu should be included in the men's diet in moderate amounts. However, this mainly applies to situations where products based on this ingredient are consumed in excessive doses or heavily processed. The optimal solution is to consume about two servings per day and buy soybeans from proven, organic sources. It is therefore worth investing in tofu at a slightly higher price point, but be aware that it comes from non-GMO plants. An alternative for vegetarians and vegans Due to the high content of easily digestible protein, tofu is used as a meat substitute. Therefore, it is a popular part of the diet of people who have decided to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. This product is used in the form of sandwich wraps, fried cutlets, salad additives, egg substitute, base for various cakes, desserts and more. For all vegans and vegetarians, the fact that the price of tofu (even organically grown) is becoming more and more attractive to the wallet is certainly a great help.

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