Yerba mate

Yerba mate, ie dried and ground leaves and stalks of Paraguayan holly, is gaining popularity and Poles are buying this drink more and more. The infusion is referred to as "South America's green gold" and is suitable, among other things, for stimulating the body and strengthening concentration. But these are...

Yerba mate, ie dried and ground leaves and stalks of Paraguayan holly, is gaining popularity and Poles are buying this drink more and more. The infusion is referred to as "South America's green gold" and is suitable, among other things, for stimulating the body and strengthening concentration. But these are not the only advantages.

The popular mate is rich in caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, organic chemicals that belong to the group of purine alkaloids. They are found in coffee beans, tea leaves and yerba mate, among other things. They have a positive effect on mental performance and have properties that cause blood vessel dilation, but caffeine itself can have negative effects. Studies have shown that taking too much of the daily dose can have a toxic effect on the body, leading to an excessively fast heart rate or even convulsions.

Yerba mate tea - more pluses than minuses

However, it is a myth that the caffeine in yerba mate leads to clearly bad results. Because the caffeine content does not usually exceed 30 mg per 100 ml infusion and caffeine in a daily dose of 100 to 400 mg even has a stimulating effect, for example on the nervous system. Mate is in this corridor, and the small presence of caffeine in its composition can have a beneficial effect on muscle function and metabolism. In addition, the caffeine in yerba mate is not addictive because its effects are suppressed by other ingredients. This makes this drink a great substitute for coffee and tea, excessive consumption of which can lead to the above-mentioned complications.

It's also a myth that yerba mate irritates the esophagus. Symptoms that can indicate such a condition do not result from the properties of the infusion, but from its incorrect preparation. In contrast to classic tea, dried mate should be infused with water that has a maximum temperature of 80 degrees. Above this, vitamins (B, C and K) are killed in the infusion, and the drink itself acquires an unpleasant taste, bitter already at the base.

Yerba Mate - the price can be confusing

When purchasing yerba mate tea, you need to pay attention to several factors that can affect the price of the product. It cannot be assumed that the higher the price, the more valuable the product. In addition to the first purchase, you need to add the so-called Guampa and Bombilla, that is, a set consisting of a special wooden or ceramic vessel and a stainless drinking tube, thanks to which you will avoid swallowing the leaves from below.

It's also worth noting that Paraguayan holly isn't a specialty for everyone due to its almost grassy flavor. For this reason, manufacturers often diversify the infusion with natural flavors, without the so-called chemical enhancers. For example, you can buy dried fruit with added peppermint or dried lemongrass. On the one hand, such ingredients break the taste, but on the other hand, their presence should be carefully investigated, especially by people who may be allergic to some of them.

In addition to the accessories and the taste of the brew, the price can also be influenced by the manufacturer's fair trade certificate. This means that such goods follow the principle of fair trade in the world, which is not without significance in the base of this infusion, that is, in Latin America. The price of FT certified yerba mate will be higher, but certainly not significantly different from the quality of the product.

erba mate and physical fatigue

You can often find opinions about the almost miraculous effect of mate on the body. While this drought provides an energy boost with no significant side effects, it should be remembered that it does not act like doping, but primarily supports positive changes in the body that may only affect physical well-being. This is made possible by properties that accelerate the process of tissue formation and support muscle relaxation, for example through deacidification. That's why yerba mate is sometimes referred to as an "Indian stimulant drink".

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