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At first sight harmless everyday habits and habits that are unhealthy for our body in the long run

through Biogo Biogo 21 Nov 2022 0 comments
Auf den ersten Blick harmlose Alltagsgewohnheiten und Gewohnheiten, die auf Dauer ungesund für unseren Körper sind

Most of us know exactly what is healthy and what is unhealthy for our body. Smoking, alcohol abuse or frequent visits to fast food establishments are just a few examples. The development of science and the Internet has led to the fact that checking such information and getting answers to questions that bother us takes a short time. However, there are many activities and habits - not necessarily related to diet - that slowly break down our bodies. The effects of this are not immediately visible and it takes time to realize that something is wrong. Still, it's worth getting to know the less obvious ones while showing a huge impact on our lives.

Sitting on the toilet for too long

It seems obvious that each of us needs different amounts of time to thoroughly wash the body or to meet basic physiological needs. In fact, it's not about making going to the bathroom some kind of race. However, let's remember that in the age of universal access to the internet on our mobile devices, it seems extremely tempting to extend that visit to surf social media, read an interesting article or play a few rounds of our favorite mobile game. Theoretically, there is nothing wrong with that, after all, any form of relaxation is recommended. However, let's remember that sitting on the toilet in a crouched position for too long is not very healthy for our body. After all, with such an intervention, there is a rapid accumulation of blood in the area of the anal muscles. One-off episodes don't matter much, but if we do it too often, complications can arise. A condition in which blood cannot drain from these areas for a long time is an easy way to create hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is worth reducing the time spent on the toilet to the necessary minimum.

Why is hot tap water more polluted than cold water?

The chemical composition of water straight from the tap varies depending on location, time of year, or the type of materials from which the plumbing is made. In Poland, drinking cold water straight from the tap is safe and the water meets European standards. Despite everything, many people also clean it, for example by using activated carbon filters. However, it is important to realize that all of these terms refer to cold water. Interestingly, using hot water straight from the tap for food purposes isn't very healthy in the long run. This is due to the need to preheat it. Therefore, it flows through various heating devices (boilers, boilers), which is not without importance for its chemical composition. Given these factors, there is a high probability that the hot water is much more contaminated, mainly with lead. Let's add that even boiling such water practically does not affect the level of lead. Therefore, it is much better to use cold water for food purposes and heat it yourself.

Cleaning ears with cotton swabs is a big mistake

Cotton swabs were taken for granted by society. So the question remains, how did our ancestors clean their ears? The answer may surprise you, but they didn't have to at all. Ears are perfectly adapted to remain relatively clean at almost all times. The accumulated earwax is a kind of protection against bacteria and other microorganisms that could lead to inflammation and infection. In addition, it acts as a moisturizer and even slightly affects the quality of the sound received. Cleaning ears with cotton swabs or cotton sloppily wrapped on a match is asking for trouble. After all, due to our inattention, we can even damage the eardrum, and in extreme cases - puncture it. Such a procedure is completely pointless, since the hairs present in the ear canal naturally move the wax to the mouth of the ear, and that is where we should collect it. In addition, washing your ears with water even if you take a daily bath is a much better solution than sticking a swab in them.

Eat meals while watching TV or playing console and computer games

Eating meals, for example while watching a movie, series, computer/console game, is an easy way to become overweight and obese. Unfortunately, this problem affects many of us and is becoming more common. It's worth remembering that our brain works in a certain way and distracting it with things like a movie or an advertisement distorts perceptions of how much we've actually eaten. It has been proven that mere eye contact with the meal we eat affects our level of satiety. This means that if we are not distracted while eating, we can eat a lot less. As a result, we can absorb tons of calories and feel hungry again after a short time or feel the urge to eat something else right after eating the previous meal. Let's also remember that various advertisements, especially those viewed during consumption, can increase our appetite. This is dangerous because regularly engaging in such behavior can even have a very negative impact on our attitude towards food. It can be extremely frustrating when you haven't eaten that much and your weight is spiraling out of control. Therefore, the best solution is to simply eat meals without the accompaniment of additional distractions. It may be difficult at first, but over time we will feel a clear difference, including in well-being.

Eating too fast is also not good for our health

Unfortunately, we live in times when everything happens very quickly. The busy schedule means that we often eat on the go. After years of such practice, we get used to it. Fast food is not conducive, if only because of the low fragmentation of the food. Digestive processes begin in the mouth, so to speak, when food comes into contact with saliva. Also, the degree of chewing of the meal is extremely important because the more thoroughly we chew the food, the less work our digestive system has to do. Eating too quickly by allowing large amounts of air into the stomach can lead to heartburn, indigestion and even diarrhea.

Take painkillers too often

The invention of painkillers was quite an event and to this day allows us to ward off many types of pain. However, the overuse of painkillers, especially over-the-counter ones, is a real scourge of our time. Reaching for them too often can lead to many important complications, including liver damage. This organ takes an active part in the distribution of these resources into smaller sub-units. In addition, frequent and excessive consumption of such substances makes us immune to their effects very quickly, forcing us to take ever higher doses. It is also worth noting that such drugs can also increase pain, especially after prolonged use. In addition, a very common phenomenon is an increase in the frequency of headaches after such a procedure. It is worth remembering that the frequent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs significantly loads and disrupts the functions of the digestive system. As a result of such actions, indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea and vomiting may occur. Therefore, let's remember that painkillers are not completely indifferent to our health and we should only resort to them when there is a very strong need. After all, we are not talking about candy or any other substance that we can take in large quantities without significant contraindications and other health effects.

No repositioning while driving

Staying in a sitting position for a long time is an easy route to venous thrombosis. A very common mistake, even on long journeys by car, train, plane or in everyday work, is the lack of leg mobility. After all, sitting for a long time in one place without changing position leads to the fact that venous blood in the lower extremities stagnates. This practice, repeated regularly and for many hours, is very unhealthy. Let's even try to move our legs from time to time, even if we take a short walk across the room or stop for a moment at the side of the road and take a few steps. All of this will get the blood flowing somewhere, but we'll also feel a definite sense of relief almost immediately. It is evident that there are situations where even the performance of such simple acts may prove impossible. In such cases, it is even worth tensing the leg muscles several times in a row, repeating this activity from time to time, because even such a movement on our part will be much more beneficial than staying in the same position without changes.

Fall asleep with contact lenses

A good book read late at night, a less interesting film or exhaustion after a hard day's work. These are just some of the factors that can lead to falling asleep with contact lenses. However, it is worth remembering that such a procedure, repeated regularly, can lead to inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea. After all, these two parts of the eye are extremely sensitive to bacteria in our environment. During the day they are very well protected, if only because of the good hydration of the eyes, the supply of the right amount of oxygen and the regular blinking of the eyelids. At night, however, access to these protective barriers is significantly restricted. To make matters worse, bacteria can also build up on the lenses themselves, making sleeping in them difficult. In addition, the conditions then prevailing directly on the eyeball favor their reproduction. It's relatively warm and humid there, and we somehow get it there ourselves with the help of lenses. It is therefore better to make sure that we have removed our contact lenses before going to bed, because this will save us from unpleasant surprises the next morning.


The cases of everyday habits presented in the text that can be very unhealthy in the long run are only the tip of the iceberg. However, we have decided that they are not that obvious and are therefore worth discussing these issues. The fact is, not all of us struggle with the above issues on a daily basis. However, it is better to be aware and aware of potential threats than to struggle with their health effects later. 

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