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When food hurts: food intolerance tests

through Biogo Biogo 13 Jan 2023 0 comments
Wenn Essen wehtut: Lebensmittelunverträglichkeitstests

If you've ever eaten any type of food, whether it's an orange or a handful of peanuts, and you suddenly got a sore throat, a weird rash, or a stomach ache, you know how it works. Allergic reaction. The point is that food allergies and food intolerance are two different things.

Statistics suggest that the number of people with different types of food intolerance is increasing and that more people are likely to be affected by the problem than previously thought. Meanwhile, identifying and eliminating foods or food groups that provoke an adverse reaction can be an effective way to reduce or even eliminate unpleasant ailments: food intolerance tests help us to identify them

Allergy and food intolerance

Until recently there was no distinction between food allergy and food intolerance and these terms were used interchangeably. Today we know that an allergy is the result of a defensive reaction by the body, which recognizes some foods as harmful and tries to "fight" them. The reaction to intolerant food can be similar, but proceeds in a different mode and activates the defensive reflex in a slightly different way. Food intolerances are more difficult to identify because the reaction after eating can take time, unlike allergies, which are usually immediate. The reaction to well-tolerated foods can vary depending on the form and amount of consumption, with an allergic reaction often being triggered by traces of the allergen (therefore warnings are given on products!).

Why is it worth doing a food intolerance test?

A food intolerance is unlikely to kill anyone, but if left undetected, it can make life seriously miserable. Stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and headaches, and sometimes even acne—these are just a few of the symptoms that can accompany this uncomfortable condition. The detection of intolerances can contribute to a clearly noticeable improvement in our everyday well-being.

How do food intolerance tests work?

Food sensitivity tests, which you can do yourself at home, are a quick and reliable way to find out which food ingredients are causing an adverse reaction in your body. With the food detective test offered in our organic shop, you can determine the excessive amount of antibodies that are formed in the blood against certain food proteins: IgE for immediate allergy and IgG for intolerance (delayed allergy), respectively. This test checks hypersensitivity to dozens of popular foods from different groups: from grains to vegetables to meat. You can easily do it yourself, which gives you a quick and reliable answer to questions about the possible causes of your symptoms. Finally, you no longer associate food with pain!

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