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Pickles, that's a diet of giblets

through Biogo Biogo 12 Dec 2022 0 comments
Pickles, das ist Diät zum Innereien

Curing is one of the oldest ways of preserving food. The first attempts to use this process date back to 7000 BC. BC, but scientists suspect that the first silages may have formed by chance even earlier. Back then, they experimented with making bread and then cheese. The basis of the fermentation process is sugar and water, and the curing process also produces lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the product undergoing this process. Lowering the pH to a value of 4-3.5 creates an acidic environment responsible for inhibiting the development of potentially harmful microorganisms. The original function of pickles was to ensure the shelf life of finished products and extend their shelf life.

course of the pickling process

Under certain conditions, fermented products or otherwise popular silage can be formed. More specifically, it is a process of lactic acid fermentation carried out by lactic acid bacteria. These microorganisms convert the sugars contained in the plants into lactic acid, which is responsible for the sour taste of pickles. This acid inhibits putrefactive processes caused by bacteria that cannot survive in such an acidic environment, and thanks to its presence, food is preserved. According to Buch, this process is most effective when the sugar content is 1% to 1.5% and the water content is 70%. Temperatures in the range of 15 - 20 degrees Celsius guarantee the correct process flow. Also, the pickling process itself takes at least 10 to even 40 days, but it should be noted that the duration depends on how much the vegetable or fruit is crushed and how acidic the end product is. The amount of salt in the brine or other additives put in the jar also has an impact{1}.

What are fermented products?

The fermentation process itself is used very often. Therefore, it is not surprising that the group of products that can be included in this respectable group is also large. The most popular include:

– Vegetables, such as pickled cucumbers, cabbage, garlic, onions or beets and many others (basically any vegetable can be fermented)

– Fruits such as apples, pears and lemons. They are much less popular than pickles, but they are the most suitable for this purpose and their taste can pleasantly surprise you

– Dairy products such as yogurt, buttermilk, kefir or cheese

– fermented soybeans, i.e. natto and the classics of Japanese cuisine, i.e. soy sauce

– Beverages such as kvass, fermented tea or kombucha

– alcoholic products, including wine, beer or moonshine

Fermented meat or fish should also be mentioned. Fish is very popular, especially in the Scandinavian countries. Pickled herring is one of the greatest delicacies, but its taste and smell may not appeal to everyone.

The effect of silage on the intestine

Most of the positive health effects of silage are in the gut. Before they get there, however, they must pass through the mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Nevertheless, the microorganisms contained in it survive the transport into the intestine. There is a lot of evidence for this. For example, streptococci Thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrückii subsp bulgaricus have been detected in duodenal specimens within 15 minutes of ingestion of fresh yogurt{2}.

Organisms created during the curing process have a number of health-promoting properties for our bodies. The process itself improves the nutritional value of the products subjected to it. One of the chemical compounds that has a significant impact on gut health is acetylcholine. It is a neurotransmitter that functions, for example, in the nervous system. It increases peristalsis, which has a positive effect on constipation. On the other hand, bacteria that get into the intestines feed the natural bacterial flora and also synthesize substances that promote ingredients. In addition, they increase the absorption capacity of fermented products and thus of macro and micronutrients. It should also be noted that cucumbers contain fewer calories due to the fermented sugars they contain. Increasing the number of lactic acid bacteria can also reduce oxidative stress by activating the enzyme responsible for reducing the amount of free radicals. They can also protect against chemical damage{3}.

Other properties silage

Food fermented over time dominance foods processed and very sterile may play an important role in correct gut microflora behavior. Obviously this depends on the composition silage used for fermentation from nice bacteria will be I myself had little other values healthy. Let's focus myself though on this most popular and widely available, i.e. pickled vegetables and fruits, but too fermented milk products. It has been proven to have a positive effect on improving digestion and increasing the bioavailability of vitamins and minerals. Also contain considerable amount of vitamin C (fermented fruits and vegetables), which is natural antioxidant. They show action hypoallergenic, perhaps prevent osteoporosis and have impact on reducing risk associated with stroke muscle heart. They exist to reports that silage positively affects patients in this prediabetes condition. Results of 8 weeks of use Kimchi (pickled mixtures of vegetables ) have clearly shown that with their help it is possible to reduce insulin resistance but also increase sensitivity of tissues to insulin {4}.

In addition, fermented products reduce bad cholesterol. Phenomenon it is not yet fully known but is already a few theory. This most likely is the case of bacteria binding acids to bile along with cholesterol to form a complex. Next in it created path products are excreted along with feces. Organism by producing acids yellow with cholesterol, it takes it from the blood, from where it goes to the liver. The effect is the reduction of cholesterol in the blood. Theory This is however not 100% confirmed, no change the fact that after ingestion silage just dies dropped cholesterol in the subjects, in fact {1}.

Products most popular in Poland

Like country far and wide we will find many amateur pickles. one they appreciate for the taste and other for the health properties. Something healthy and good for everyone.

Pickled cabbage and cucumbers, are I guess the most popular. Good source of glucosinolates, ascorbate and acid ascorbic acid. Have an impact on reducing DNA damage caused by free radicals and probably You can reduce factor mutation cells in cancer patients This action is not confirmed to the end.

Kefir, sometimes called the "better" version of yogurt. Is fermented drink milk from the Caucasus. To make him milk he adds himself grains called kefir." This gives alive culture yeast, responsible behind fermenting milk. Additionally added are bacteria producing acid lactic acid, acetic acid and carbon dioxide. This is exactly what kefir owes him a pungent, sour taste. Interestingly Kefir contains a minimal amount of ethanol, and this is due to the side effect of the work of bacteria. Its content is greater the longer the drink is fermented. It has also been proven that kefir or its strains exert relevant effects on the population microflora of the intestine.

Rote-Bete- Juice  inserted Winnings are getting more popularity in our country. Shows anticoagulant action and ma fewer calories from ordinary turnip beetroot. In addition, it is perfect for anemia and people with reduced levels of iron in the blood because it contains many of this element and vitamin C, significantly increasing its bioavailability. What is important is detoxifying the organism with chemicals harmful to the health relationships.

contraindications for consumption silage

Is Yes Healthy Food For Everyone? unfortunately it turns out not. Doctors and nutritionists advise against eating cucumbers and products in large fermented amounts in people suffering from hypertension, arterial disease, kidney disease, system blood, and chronic diseases system. Belongs but remember that it is not totally abstaining from these products and limit them and do not overdo with the quantity.


In the era of food processing and growing Fast mode life, silage and fermented products are a touch old times. Its health-giving properties can't stay without reverberating and stopping myself from getting more popular. What pleases it is a fact that getting more individuals goes back to basics and enjoys to its properties as well as flavor. Number of chemical transformations taking place during fermentation makes products that characterize themselves as better digestibility, higher content of bioactive particles and stronger antioxidant action. Nothing but use.


  1. Wyka J., Tajner-Cczopek A., Rytel E., Habanova M., Malczyk E., Misiarz M., Food fermented - importance to humans, Acta Sci. Half. biotech. , 2017, 16(1–4), pp. 101–106;
  2. Kok, C. R. & Hutkins, R. Yogurt and Other Fermented Foods As Sources of Health-Promoting Bacteria. nutr . Rev. 76, 4-15 (2018).
  3. Senger, D.R., Li, D., Jaminet, S.-C. & Cao, S. Activation of the Nrf2 Cell Defense Pathway by Ancient Foods: Disease Prevention by Important Molecules and Microbes Lost from the Modern Western Diet. PLoS One 11, e0148042 (2016).
  4. An, S.Y. et al. Beneficial Effects of Fresh and Fermented Kimchi in Prediabetic Individuals. ann. nutr . metab . (2013). doi:10.1159/000353583.


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